IFC Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory Team Contacts
Henriette Kolb
Global Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory
Adriana Maria Eftimie
Sustainability-Linked Finance and Gender Lead
Christelle Van Vuuren
Decarbonization Specialist
Gabriela Eslava Bejarano
Sustainability Specialist
Gosia Nowakowska-Miller
Local Benefit Sharing Specialist
Maria V. Arsenova
Community Investment Lead
Michelle Jacome Jaramillo
Data and Digital Inclusion Specialist
Stephanie Sines
Middle East, Central Asia, Türkiye, Afghanistan and Pakistan Lead
Valerie Prassl
Outreach & Engagement Lead
Christelle Kouame
Climate and Sustainability Specialist
Fatoumata Bah
Community Engagement Specialist
Fatoumata Binta Keita
Regional Gender Anchor and Sustainability Specialist
Saramory Campo
Sustainability Specialist
Alla Morrison
Digital Inclusion and Europe Lead
Amanda Díaz Ramírez
Regional Gender Focal Point
Carla Toledo Gamero
Sustainability Specialist