In Their Own Words

In Their Own Words
Belen Castuera: Stephanny. When people ask what you do for a living, what do you say? Because when I’m asked, I say I’m a banker. The conversation is over. End of story. But in your case you work with jaguars, with a tracker dog… I find it so interesting.
Stephanny Arroyo Arce: Yes, sometimes it’s a bit complicated. I tell them I’m a biologist. And then ‘what do you do’? And I say ‘well, I go on field trips throughout Costa Rica looking for feline feces.’ And they ask ‘what do you mean?’ So I explain that it’s a genetic tracking project, that I work with a Labrador retriever. And people become very interested in the work.
Belen: When did you realize that things like jaguars, Reventazon, and Costa Rica’s hydropower generation were connected?
Stephanny: Reventazon is the largest hydropower project in Central America – so it is going to have a potential impact on biodiversity. It is in an area that is very important for the conservation of jaguars. Panthera started monitoring activities to understand what the area was like before construction started so that the impact of the project on biodiversity could be understood and so that mitigation measures could be put in place to avoid cutting off this route for the jaguars.
Stephanie Arroyo Arce trains her dog, Tigre to track the excrements of Jaguars, and other wild cats, in Guacimo, Costa Rica. Photo © Dominic Chavez / IFC
A jaguar at the Centro de Rescate Las Pumas in Canas, Costa Rica. Photo © Dominic Chavez / IFC
Belen: You are doing work that is at the forefront of the conservation of jaguars. And it is important to us at IFC that we can support renewable energy and also demonstrably protect biodiversity in this way. Revantazon has helped Costa Rica become a country that runs on nearly 100% renewable energy. There are so many different aspects that make this really special.
Stephanny: It is great to see how different organizations with perhaps different interests are working together to identify the impact of such a project on jaguars and all the other wildlife species in the area.
Belen: What is your favorite story?
– Belen Castuera
Stephanny: It’s meaningful to work with communities, so they can protect the animals living near them. In Tortuguero, a national park in Costa Rica, sometimes we had situations where people wanted to get close to a jaguar when they saw one, and that worried us. Then we started to give presentations to explain the importance of not disturbing the jaguars and their habitat. We have seen that over time that people behave differently – respecting the jaguar when they see one, not wanting to go near it or take a picture of it, and even passing me the data when they are aware of a jaguar’s presence. I get messages on WhatsApp saying ‘Stephanny, I saw this jaguar at night, at this time.’ Or when they see footprints on the beach they say ‘Stephanny, I saw this in case the data is useful.’
Belen: Technology is amazing. A few years ago receiving a WhatsApp of a photo of a jaguar footprint would be unthinkable, really.
Stephanny: It has helped us a lot and it’s very gratifying to see the improved trust between communities and wild cats living around them. They are neighbors after all.
Stephanie Arroyo Arce and her dog, Tigre near La Esmeralda, Costa Rica. Photo © Dominic Chavez / IFC
Employees of ICE, working to maintain and produce electricity at the Reventazon power station in Siquerres, Costa Rica. Photo © Dominic Chavez / IFC
Belen: What is the greatest lesson you think you have learned in your work?
Stephanny: When I started college I only wanted to work with animals, I did not want to work with people. But I realized over time that this is not possible – if you want to do conservation you have to reach people first because at the end of the day they are the ones who take the decisions. On the one hand I need to be in the field and collect and publish data. But I always need to ensure that the data makes sense to people in government, in municipalities, and in communities, because that’s how they will want to protect these animals.
About Story Corps
With support from StoryCorps, a U.S. nonprofit whose mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world. For more information, visit
About IFC
IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work with more than 2,000 businesses worldwide, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in the toughest areas of the world. For more information, visit