Azito: Energizing Women’s Participation in Local Governance through Voice and Economic Empowerment
ASSA: Expanding access to markets in Indonesia’s express logistics sector
Social KPIs Matter: Setting Robust Indicators for Sustainability Linked Finance
The Business Case for Gender-Responsive Climate-Smart Mining
Gender-Responsive Training Methods: A Guidance Note
Integrating Gender into Water & Sanitation Projects
The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19: How the Private Sector Can Play a Crucial Role
Gender and COVID-19: Key Considerations, Resources and Support for Infrastructure and Natural Resource Companies in Emerging Markets
Series: Pursuing Gender Equality Through Infrastructure and Natural Resources
Unlocking Opportunities for Women and Business: A Toolkit of Actions and Strategies for Oil, Gas, and Mining Companies
Oil Gas & Mining Toolkit | Tool Suite 1: Increasing Gender Diversity from the Workforce to the Boardroom
Oil Gas & Mining Toolkit | Tool Suite 2: Women-Owned Businesses and the Supply Chain
Oil Gas & Mining Toolkit | Tool Suite 4: Addressing Gender-Based Violence in the Workforce