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Community scorecard: People-centered engagement

Around the world, companies are looking to partner with local communities to imagine and achieve a better future.

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Community scorecard

Community scorecard (CSC) is a well-known tool involving facilitated dialogue and consensus-based action plans, which has been deployed successfully around the world, primarily by public and nonprofit organizations.

IFC has adapted the CSC methodology to suit the needs of the private sector, particularly companies in the infrastructure and natural resource industries.

A practical tool with a record of success

Experience across sectors shows that CSC can help initiate and sustain effective community engagement.

CSC is a powerful, cost-effective methodology first developed by the international aid organization CARE in 2002. The public sector has used CSC widely to give citizens greater voice and increase government responsiveness. In the private sector, using the methodology adapted by IFC, CSCs have facilitated company-community dialogue and enabled the design of interventions that are more responsive to stakeholder realities, strengthening development impact on the ground.

To date, more than 8.2 million people in 33 countries have benefited from better health care, stronger food systems, and safer justice systems after participating in the community scorecard (CSC) process.

Examples from around the world

IFC is here to help

In addition to financing, IFC offers advisory services that help its infrastructure clients connect with the communities where they operate. Our work creates a foundation that enables communities and companies to share value and sustain good relationships.

Get in touch: CommDev@ifc.org


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